360 Motion Insole

Patent Number:
Year of innovation:
YEAR Patent received:
The road to creating the collection was paved with two years of extensive research with top foot surgeons and engineers to understand the nuances of feet and how to achieve that perfect chemistry between heel height and comfort.
Perfect formed heels:
Crafted on a specially developed shoemaker’s last, a Sargossa shoe is a perfectly formed heel which declines at the optimum level that allows body weight to be much more evenly distributed from heel to toe. So instead of being tilted forward, it eases off the front of the foot to avoid the pain we are all so used to. It’s around this seamless base that we create beautiful designs.
Bouncy and soft, with foam invented by NASA
Each pair is complete with a patented insole, that are crafted with medical grade memory foam that provides shock-absorbing cushioning, one of these foams are invented by NASA, used in the space helmets. We’ve also added a bouncy spring pad at the heel, which reliefs the pressure off each step in the shoe. To ensure the foam will remain soft and keep your feet breathing there are 146 tiny air pockets in the forefront of the insoles to wick away moisture from the feet and to provide air circulation allowing the foam to expand and extract for every step you take.